British Wheel of Yoga Teacher

Ashford Yoga

Lorna is a Diploma qualified Yoga teacher affiliated with the British Wheel of Yoga. She teaches Hatha yoga (yoga of movement) from beginners through to intermediates in group classes and private sessions.  Influenced by both ancient yoga traditions and a variety of inspirational modern yoga styles, she will guide students into discovering their own balanced and accessible yoga practice.  The essence of yoga lies in the breath, and Lorna will help students find the link between body and breath, during the practice, to achieve a delightful and profound experience of inner stillness.

Her classes are friendly and non-competitive, and everyone is encouraged to work within their own limitations, making use of the modifications and variations offered to deepen or lighten as they need. She pays particular attention to alignment for safe movement, but also to the subtleties of softening and encourages students to be fully present in the body. 

She offers a variety of group classes for all levels, as well as private home visits for those who may wish to delve deeper in any area of a yoga practice, or for those who may require a more therapy based practice.  Full morning workshops are a regular feature to the timetable.  Please contact Lorna for more info or to book at 

Yoga Timetable Pre-booking essential. All classes £9

  • Mondays 

Hatha Beginners: 6:45 - 8:00pm (level 1)

  • Wednesdays

Hatha Beginners: 10:00 -11:10am (level 1)

Hatha Beginners: 6:00 -7:10pm (level 1)

Hatha Intermediates:  7:30-8:40pm (level 2)

  • Saturdays

Hatha :  Between beginners and Intermediates  09:00 - 10:15am (levels 1 and 2)

  • Monthly Workshops

Workshops  08:45 - 11:15 On the last Saturday morning of each month.  (all levels).

  • Private sessions 

One to one therapy sessions for seniors, recovery from illness or injury or simply to go deeper into a practice. Please email or ring for details


The Elwick Club
Church Road
TN23 1RD

tel Lorna on 07584062035


Why do Yoga?

Yoga is more than just about lengthening and strengthening. It becomes about living life better on and off the mat.

'Yogash citta vritti nirodhah' 'Yoga is the cessation of the movements of the mind' Patanjali's Yoga Sutras

'People come to yoga for different reasons. Most are looking for a way to improve their health. Others are interested in effective tools to manage stress. Still others seek personal and spiritual growth. Yoga offers all these things. It's a practice that revitalises the body, calms the mind and deepens self-awareness'

  • Better sleep
  • Increased energy
  • Improved posture
  • Increased mobility
  • Improved flexibility
  • Reduces stress, habitual tension, anxiety and depression
  • Relaxation and meditation techniques
  • Breathing techniques as a tool for relaxation
  • Help manage injuries and age-related changes, including the menopause

Which class is right for you?

Hatha Beginners (level 1)

These sessions offer a way of approaching yoga movement mindfully, so that the body can ease it's way into unwinding unwanted tension patterns or habits that are not useful.  The asanas (postures) are offered in a variety of ways, sometimes with flowing movements, sometimes with holds or with props.  The sessions are suitable for anyone who has never done yoga before or who are returning back to yoga after a long break.

Intermediates  (level 2)

These sessions integrate asanas with pranayama, (breathing techniques), relaxation and meditations. This approach allow students to find the delicate balance between strength and softness, flexibility and alignment, allowing students to discover a deeper practice.  Awareness of your own body's capabilities and limitations will useful in these sessions.

Between beginners and intermediates (levels 1 and 2)

These sessions will gradually introduce all aspects of a yoga practice for students wanting to explore yoga more deeply and who feel ready to build on their knowledge. Students will be introduced to a variety of ways to deepen and soften into a stronger asana practice as well as learning different pranayama practices (breathing techniques).

Workshops (level 1- 2 - 3)

The theme will vary each month, some exemples could be:  yoga for relaxation, enjoying backbends, discovering inversions or working towards a peak posture.  These longer sessions will always include all aspects of a yoga practice, such as pranayama (breathing techniques) pratyahara (turning the senses inward) and different types of yoga nidra (guided relaxation techniques). Some experience of yoga recommended.  Booking is essential, call or email for details.

Props are no longer shared so please do bring your own mat, blocks and belt if you have them and a small blanket or large towel.
Please call or email for more details, pre-booking and a health declaration form.
I very much look forward to hearing from you.


Contact Ashford Yoga